RIT: Simulacron-3

Simulacron-3 @ Ars Electronica Festival
Credit JKU Linz / Photo: Andreas Röbl

In 2024 V2_ invited seven artists to join a hybrid residency at V2_ Lab in Rotterdam: Mihai Gui, Silvana Callegari, Merve Sahin, Lam Lai, Eirini Lampiri, Annika Boll, and Gökay Atabek. They were encouraged to explore contemporary topics such as Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Consciousness, Data Privacy and Surveillance, Simulation Theory, Existential Risk and Future of Humanity as they are raised in the 1964 SF-novel Simulacron-3.

I led the development of the project as part of the V2_Lab.

Together they worked on the creation of a XR experience with a strong creative and artistic component, that doesn’t let the user isolated, but rather creates a collective experience that, in its core, considers the concepts of human interaction, group dynamics and empathy.

more: https://v2.nl/events/department-of-interfaced-dimensions-at-ars-electronica-2024