„In The Moment“ is my debut Album as Pangani and was released on 1.6.2016.
for more informations, please visit

All songs recorded, produced and mixed by Pangani
Mastered by Michele „Xenomorph“ Gaggia | Digital Natural Sound
Graphic design and packaging in collaboration with kaleido.at
Pangani is a project by freshmania
featured artists
Vocals, Flute: Irene Neine Neirenà
Saxophone, EWI: Reindert Spanhove
Vocals: Leah Uijterlinde
Vocals: Alex Alden
French horn: Alison Wilmers
E-Guitar: Dominik Faltlhauser
chapter icons in track color
All Icons combined form the Album cover image

"Pangani :: In The Moment (Self-Released)
Fourteen years after Ott released his Hallucinogen in Dub album, the influence of the psydub emperor persists. Over the years many have tried to imitate his meticulous sonic designs or capture the spirit of his psychedelic, mischievous magic, but in 2016 it seems that his true heir has finally arrived. With a peculiar voice of his own, Sebastian Frisch a.k.a. Pangani takes psydub to the outer limits. His debut album, In The Moment, is filled with beautiful, mind-bending, dexterous programming. Crafty synth work, crisp complex beat construction and warm fat basslines are spiced with flashes of electric guitar, saxophone, EWI, vocals, flute and English horn. It’s a stream of passion that pays tribute to its luminary, spiritual ancestor, without imitating or recycling. Pangani is definitely a creative force on the rise and In The Moment is hopefully a harbinger of even better things to come. " IglooMag.com
"....Ursprünglich im Jamaika der 1960er und 1970er entstanden, wurden Roots-Reggae-Songs mit Effekten versehen und neu gemischt. Die Urväter von Remix-Compilations quasi. Was heutzutage alltäglich ist – oder kennt jemand bekannte Tracks, die noch nie verändert wieder publiziert wurden? -, war damals noch neu. Pangani scheint diese Urformen wieder aufgreifen zu wollen. In seinem ersten Full-Length-Album, das den Titel „In The Moment“ trägt, hat man zumindest den starken Eindruck. Wenngleich gut 50 Jahre Musikgeschichte seine Spuren natürlich hinterlassen haben, und man doch viele elektronische Einflüsse in den insgesamt acht Tracks findet. Was man sich jetzt unter „Dubby Storytelling“ vorstellen kann? Diverse Label-Pressetexter würden es wohl als „sphärische, geerdete Musik in multiplen Facetten, die man so noch nicht gehört hat“ beschreiben. Ich formuliere es hier mal salopp: Musik, die man an einem beschissenen, regnerischen Sonntag, wo die Milch für den Kaffee aus ist und auch noch der Strom ausfällt, hören möchte..." Subtext.at
In The Moment - CD packaging

The complete CD case is made out of 100% biodegradable material without any plastic.
The booklet is set behind the laser cut front cover and is visible through the cut out segments. The tray is made out of cork, which will hold the CD in an alternative, yet secure environment. Track titles are stamped by hand into the cover.
Videos of the fabrication process
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