Art shows
Our World of Noises, Sound Art / Acoustic Ecology / Instrument building – workshop based research project at NMS Lehen, Salzburg [AT]
MediaLab Staff, Supporting Master students in finalising their production exams, Salzbug [AT]
Audio engineering and the art of recording, Workshop – Akademischen Gymnasium Salzburg [AT]
Pangani performance at Shakespeare, Salzburg [AT] in October
Pangani InVision Audio/Visual *Premiere* performance at Altes Spital, Viechtach [D] in October
Pangani performance at Audio & Basta, Starnberg [D] in October
Pangani performance at psyfi festival, leeuwarden [nl] in August
Pangani performance at xps sound, salzburg [at] in August
Pangani performance at everness festival (mainstage) [hu] in June
Pangani in Ritual performance at everness festival [hu] in June
Ambient Music Lab (3 workshops) Everness Festival [hu] in June
Pangani in Ritual performance everness festival (ritual) [hu] in June
Pangani performance at tree of life festival, seedcamp [at] in June
Pangani performance at trippin to taurus, böllerbauer [at] in Mai
Pangani performance at minerva records, salzburg [at] in Mai
Pangani in Ritual performance at album release show – offtheater, salzburg [at] in March
MediaLab Staff, Supporting Master students in finalising their production exams, Salzbug [AT]
Pangani performance at Jazzit Salzburg [AT] in December
Pangani performance at pressure festival [at]
Pangani performance at positive vibrations festival [at]
Pangani performance at ( 3x 2h shows! ) Chillout Stage @ Free Tree Festival [AT]
Pangani performance at shankra festival [ch]
Ambient Music Lab at shankra festival [ch]
Pangani performance at flow festival 2018 [at] (alternative stage)
Pangani performanceat flow festival 2018 [at] (avaloka tempel)
Pangani performance at thalmeier 150 years, marienplatz dorfen [de]
Pangani performance at salon magika, vienna [at]
Pangani performance at elements festival [at]
Pangani performance at sonus sonorum goes rockhouse, salzburg [at]
Pangani in Ritual performance at !bicycle day! special, aberJa! vienna [at]
Pangani performance at aberja!, vienna [at]
Pangani in Ritual performance at kaleido, salzburg [at]
MediaLab Staff, Supporting Master students in finalising their production exams, Salzbug [AT]
Pangani in Ritual performance at Altes Spital, Viechtach (D) in November
Pangani performance at Back to Nature Festival (TR) in September
Splits and Cracks exposition and lecture with NMS Lehen students at Schmiede Salzburg (AT) in September
Pangani performance at Progress Festival (AT) in August
Pangani performance at New Healing Festival (D) in August
Pangani performances at Latitude Festival (UK) in July
Lecture performance at Border Sessions Festival (NL) in June
Pangani performance at Everness Festival (HU) in June
Pangani performance at Tree of Life Festival (AT) in June
Biophonic Garden exposition at Let it Grow Festival (NL) in April
Pangani performance at Neue Mittelschule Lehen, Salzburg (AT) in March
Artistic support at Sonic Acts Festival (NL) in Februar
Pangani performance at Performing Sound, Gallerie 5020 Salzburg (AT) in January
Splits and Cracks exposition at PolyArt Studio Böheimkirchen (Böheimkirchen, AT) in October
Noctune Ensemble lecture performance at PolyArtStudio (Böheimkirchen, AT) in October
Biophonic Garden exposition at PolyArtStudio (Böheimkirchen, AT) in October 2016
Pangani in Ritual performance at PolyArtStudio (Böheimkirchen, AT) in October
Pangani performance at Festsaal Böheimkirchen (Böheimkirchen, AT) in September
Splits and Cracks exposition at Festsaal Böheimkirchen (Böheimkirchen, AT) in September
Pangani performance at TodaysArt Festival (NL) in September
Pangani performance at Boom Festival (PT) in August
Pangani performance at Latitude Festival (UK) in July
Pangani in Ritual performance at Kinocafe Taufkirchen (D) in März
Artistic support at Sonic Acts Festival (NL) in Februar
Pangani in Ritual performance at Mo.ë Vienna (AT) in December
Noctune Ensemble exposition at Mo.ë Vienna (Vienna, AT) in December
Pangani performance at Neue Mittelschule Lehen, Salzburg (AT) in November
Pangani performance at Freaks in Love Festival (Izmir, TR) in September
Pangani performance at One Love Festival (UK) in September
Biophonic Garden exposition at Paradiso Amsterdam (NL) in July
Pangani performance at Tree of Life (AT) in June
Noctune Ensemble lecture performance at Ludmilla (Ljubljana, SI) in April
Pangani performance at DubLab. (Ljubljana, SI) in April
Pangani performance at RIIBA. (Izola, SI) in April
Pangani performance at Radio Student. (Ljubljana, SL) in April
Artistic support at Sonic Acts Festival (NL) in February
Biophonic Garden exposition at Zone2Source (Amsterdam, NL) from December 2014 until February 2015
Noctune Ensemble lecture performance at Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität (Linz, AT) in December
Biophonic Garden exposition at Gogbot Festival (Enschede, NL) in September
Biophonic Garden exposition at Oddstream Festival (Nijmegen, NL) in August
Pangani performance at Dalai Lama visit to the Netherlands in May
Whisper Down The Lane Screening at Filmfestival Rejected (Innsbruck, AT) in June
Whisper Down The Lane Screening at Massolit (Budapest, HU) in September
Whisper Down The Lane Exposition at Ars ElectronicaFestival (Linz, AT) in September
Whisper Down The Lane Artist Talk at Ars Electronica Festival (Linz, AT) in September
Whisper Down The Lane Screening at CINEMA NEXT at KIZ RoyalKino (Graz, AT) in December
Border Sessions Festival (NL) 2017 Award
Third price for my artistic bioacoustics research. community award
Best New Artist 2016
4th on best Album 2016
Gogbot Festival (NL) – Young Blood Award , Project: Biophonic Garden
Nominated for the best media-art graduation piece in the Netherlands 2014.
Media Art Friesland (NL) – Young Masters , Project: Biophonic Garden
Nominated for the Young Masters Award.
Salzburg Upcoming-Movieaward (AT), Project: Whisper down the lane
Third place at Salzburger Upcoming-Movie Award 2012: Cinematography
Media Award Salzburg (AT), Project: Dialog
Salzburger Landespreis 2011: Medienkunst
Out of Box Award (AT), Project: inna‘wave
Motion Award – Nominated for Soundvisualisierung

2011-2020 Spatial Audio
I started my investigation into spatial audio as part of my Bachelor thesis in sound art and interactive programming. The technical aspects of this field where highlighted in my paper “Spatial Audio in virtual Environments”.
During and after my studies, I developed the Plugin “SPASM for Live” at V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media in Rotterdam. SPASM for Live is a plugin for Ableton Live to create spatial audio composition.
This tool gives the composer the possibility to create spatial headphone compositions in Ableton Live, where the artist can entirely focus on the creation of sonic environments, rather than programming it.
In my second (interdisciplinary) thesis “From illusionary art to immersive spatial audio engines”, I focused on the implementation, use and artistic context of such a system.
2014-2018 The park experience
Since my Master studies “the park experience” is my main topic of my independent research. I investigate the role of a park in an urban environment and look for sonic cues, which seem to have an impact on such an experience.
Until this point, I created three artworks which focus on different aspects of sounding natural environments.
These works have the function to let my audience experience my investigations, rather than reading about it.
Noctune Ensemble (2014) is a multichannel performance and play with the spatial interaction of chirping crickets;
Biophonic Garden (2015) displays a possible dialog between 80 young corn plants.
Splits and Cracks (2016) invites the audience to listen to the sonic structures inside a slice of wood, that occur due to changing moisture content.
Our world of noises / Unsere Welt der Geräusche
Noises of our everyday surrounding are the essential ingredients of this workshop and the goal is to perceive them in their pure beauty of existence.
29.11.-7.02.2017 (11x 90min)– Neue Mittelschule Lehen, Salzburg (AT)
9.03.2017 – Schulzentrum Friesgasse, Vienna (AT)
13.08.2016 – Boom Festival, Portugal
29.9. – 10.11.2015 (7x 90min) – Neue Mittelschule Lehen, Salzburg (AT)
20.4. – 10.06.2015 (4x 90min) – Neue Mittelschule Lehen, Salzburg (AT)
Lecture “Audible Spaces”
The lecture focuses on the use of space in musical composition and its possibilities for computer music.
16.12.2015 Moë Vienna (AT)
10.11.2015 – Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg (At)
23.04.2015 – LJUDMILA, Ljubljana (SL)
11.12.2014 – Anton Bruckner Private University for Music – Computer Music Studio, Linz (AT)
Lecture “The park experience”
About my research into “the park experience” and the development of my work Biophonic Garden.
20.02.2015 – Glazen Huis Amstelpark – Zone2Source, Amsterdam (NL)
12.11.2014 – Salzburg University of Applied Sciences – MultiMediaArt, Salzburg (AT)
In this course, I give students a “hands-on experience” with Audio equipment and sound
production workflows.
Institution: Royal Academie of Arts & Royal Conservatoire, The Hague (NL)
Department: ArtScience
I co-teach this class with Robert Pravda.
I gave students insights into basic concepts of sound-programming and coached individual
Institution: Fachhochschule Salzburg, Salzburg (AT)
Department: MultiMediaArt – Audio
I co-teach this class with Gianni Stiletto.
Music Workshops
2007-2013 Institution: BAOBAB Family Childrenshome, Mombasa (KE)
I formed an improvisation ensemble with street-children, where we discover the acoustic qualities of
every-day objects and how those can be used in music.
Technical skills
Visual programming Pure Data, Reaktor, Max MSP
Desktop programming C++
DAW Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase
Audio Engineering Sound Production, Recording, Mixing, Mastering
Video FinalCut, AfterEffects
Media design Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator
Web-development PHP, Javascript, CSS, SQL
Practical training in electrical engineering
German (native)
English (fluent speaking & writing)
Kisuaheli (intermediate)